
  • Wippersnappers Camps


    Need a break? Try our Parents Night Out Camp

    PARENTS NIGHT OUT IS BACK! Drop the kids (ages 3-12) off for 3 hours of fun while you parents enjoy an evening out! Let the kids unplug and have fun climbing, sliding and jumping and socializing at the best kids indoor play place in the Northwest. Each evening your child will get to enjoy the Rock Bouldering Wall, and the triple level Play Structure with the popular wave slide, tunnel slides, monkey rings, web crawls, bridges and much more. Plus a dinner of delicious Wippersnappers pizza and healthy snacks. Fun time will include structured activities and crafts. Children must be potty trained. See below for dates and to sign up – see you soon!

    Spring & Summer Camps – Camps will return in the spring.

    Become unplugged and get ready for action-packed days of climbing, sliding and bouncing at the best kids indoor play place – Wippersnappers! Each day your child will get to enjoy the Rock Bouldering Wall, Wiggle Karts, Inflatable Obstacle Courses (must be 40” tall to use) and the triple level Play Structure with the popular wave slide, tunnel slides, monkey rings, web crawls, bridges and much more. Our calendar is full of action packed fun, games and activities.

    Each camper will get a special Wippersnappers water bottle. You provide the lunch, healthy snacks are provided by us to ensure each camper will be sustained through the day of play and adventure. You may opt in to a Wippersnappers lunch option for an extra cost. Our camp staff is CPR certified with a 1:6 ratio to maintain quality interactions through the day. Scroll down for details and to book your camp today – hurry, these camps will sell out fast!

  • Parents Night Out Camp

    Price: $40 for one child, $25 for second child!
    Camp Time: 5:00pm to 8:00pm
    Ages: 3 to 12 (Must be Potty Trained)

    October 18, 2024 – NEW DATE!

    Check in: 5:00pm to 5:15pm
    Playtime: 5:00pm to 6:30pm
    Pizza Dinner: 6:30pm to 7:00pm
    Play time, crafts/games: 7:00pm to 8:00pm
    Pick Up: 8:00pm to 8:15pm

  • Spring Break Camp

    Price: $195 for Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday (3 days)
    Camp Time: 9:00am to 3:00pm
    Ages: 4 to 12 (Must be potty trained)
    Lunch Option: Add a lunch for $15 extra per camper.


    March 25, 26, 27, 2024 – SOLD OUT


    Check in: 9:00am to 9:15am
    Free Play: 9:00am to 10:30am
    Snack: 10:00am to 10:15am
    Scheduled Activity: 10:15pm to 11:30am
    Lunch: 11:30am to 12:00pm
    Scheduled Activity: 12:00pm to 1:45pm
    Snack: 1:45pm to 2:00pm
    Free Play: 2:00pm to 3:00pm
    Pick-up: 3:00pm to 3:15pm

  • Summer Camp

    Price: $280 per camper.
    Camp Time: 9:00am to 3:00pm
    Ages: 4 to 12 (Must be potty trained)
    Lunch Option: Add a Wippersnappers lunch for $25 extra per camper.


    June 17 – 20, 2024 – SOLD OUT!
    June 24 – 27, 2024 – SOLD OUT!
    July 8 – 11, 2024 – SOLD OUT!
    July 15 – 18, 2024 – SOLD OUT!
    July 22 – 25, 2024 – SOLD OUT!


    Check in: 9:00am to 9:15am
    Free Play: 9:00am to 10:30am
    Snack: 10:00am to 10:15am
    Scheduled Activity: 10:15pm to 11:30am
    Lunch: 11:30am to 12:00pm
    Scheduled Activity: 12:00pm to 1:45pm
    Snack: 1:45pm to 2:00pm
    Free Play: 2:00pm to 3:00pm
    Pick-up: 3:00pm to 3:15pm



    Registration and Refunds:

    Registration and payment for the Wippersnappers Spring & Summer Camps must be completed online and full payment is required at the time of booking to reserve the child’s space and is non-refundable. Participants may sign up for any or all the weekly camps in their age groups. There will be no prorating of fees for any days a child participant cannot attend.

    If camp is closed due to a Government order, camp fee will not be reimbursed for time lost.

    An electronic camp release must be signed before child can participate in camp. Releases are available online. If a minimum of 6 children are not registered for any one camp, the camp may be canceled and a full refund issued.

    Contact Information:

    Phone: 503-668-7221


    Age Guidelines:

    The Wippersnappers Summer Camps are for children ages 4-12 years old, no exceptions will be made. Children must be potty trained and able to use the toilet unassisted.  Spring Break Camp is for children 4-12 years old only.

    Pick-up and Drop-Off Procedures:

    Children need to arrive between 9:00am – 9:15am for all camps, and must be picked up between 3:00pm – 3:15pm for all Spring Break & Summer Camps. Please do not drop off your child prior to the start time of camp. Parent/guardian must park their vehicle and walk their child into Wippersnappers and sign the child into the Camp. The check-in area for the camps will be at the Tree Room entrance on our back/south side. Pick-up will be at the Tree Room entrance on the south/backside of Wippersnappers.

    Late Pick-Up Policy:

    There will be a late-fee assessed for children who are picked up after the scheduled pick up time for their camp. The late fee is $1.00 for each minute past the scheduled pick up time. Repeated late pick-ups may result in the removal of the participant from the program, with no refund for prepaid programs.

    Medical Needs/Allergies:

    Wippersnappers is not permitted to administer medication to camp participants. In the event of a medical emergency, Wippersnappers will administer first aid, CPR, and dial 911 if needed. Parents will be contacted if care is administered.

    Sick Policy:

    If your child has had a fever, diarrhea, has been vomiting, or has a rash we require them to stay home for 24 hours after the last incident. If rash occurs, a doctor’s note is required stating the rash is not contagious for them to return to camp.

    Special Circumstances:

    Parents and guardians are required to inform Wippersnappers in writing of any special needs which may affect the child’s ability to participate fully and within the guidelines of acceptable behavior, including, but not limited to, any serious behavioral problems or special circumstances regarding psychological, medical, or physical conditions. Once the notice is submitted, a phone call will be scheduled with the parent/guardian to discuss the special circumstances and whether Wippersnappers can accommodate the circumstances.

    Dress Code:

    Children should dress appropriately for the activities scheduled. Wippersnappers recommends shorts and a light weight shirt or top (comfortable warmer clothes for Spring Break Camp), and some type of athletic shoe or sneaker in order to participate in recreational or athletic activities. Socks must be worn while in the play structure and inflatables. Sandals, flip-flops, rubber “crocs”-style shoes, and other open-toed shoes are not recommended as acceptable attire for active recreation activities. Shirts should have a minimum of 1” wide shoulder straps. Clothing should be age appropriate. It is recommended that a change of clothing is brought every day in case of spills/accidents.

    Personal Belongings:

    Children should not bring toys, mobile phones, electronic devices, jewelry, money, or any possession of value with them to any of the programs. Children will be responsible for their own belongings. Wippersnappers is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

    Behavior Management/Discipline Policy:

    Wippersnappers staff will create a fun and safe environment for participants in the program. Praise and positive reinforcement are used as effective methods of behavior management. Children who do not respond to these methods or who are destructive to others or to property will be dealt with in a professional, positive, and timely manner to correct the behavior. The following procedures will be followed for behavior management. All incident reports will be discussed privately with parents/guardians and a copy of each report will be kept on file at Wippersnappers. We encourage self regulation and mindfulness. We will direct a cooling down period if Wippersnappers staff feel necessary.

    1. In the event a child’s behavior is a repeated behavior and cannot be corrected by the Wippersnappers Staff with a verbal warning or other form of behavior modification, a first incident report will be written to document and correct behavior. A copy of the report will be given to the parent/guardian the same day as the incident.

    2. A Second incident report will be written if the behavior is repeated by or new behavior problems occur with the same child. This report will follow the same process as the first, but a one or two- day suspension could accompany this report, and no refund will be provided for suspended days. A copy of the report will be given to the parent/guardian the same day as the second incident.

    3. A third incident report will be completed using the same process as the first two. The Wippersnappers staff will write this report. Staff will provide this report to the parent/guardian. Incident reports will be discussed privately with a parent/guardian by Wippersnappers staff and/or the Camp Director. Dismissal from a program can occur at this time.

    NOTE: Immediate dismissal from the program can occur at any time given severe circumstances. Refunds for missed days due to a discipline dismissal will not be granted.  We reserve the right to evict patrons for violations of these rules without refund.


    Children must bring a lunch to Wippersnappers Camps unless you opt into our lunch option.  Please feed your child breakfast before drop off.  All snacks will be provided. Water intake is encouraged throughout the day.  Parents must notify the Camp Director of any dietary restrictions prior to registration.  Wippersnappers is a peanut free facility. Please do not send gum or candy. The following is the lunch menu if you have opted in to the lunch:

    Lunch Options if Purchased:

    • Hot Dog, Quesadilla (Cheese) or Chicken Nuggets
    • Mini Carrots
    • Fruit
    • Milk

    Snacks and Drinks Provided:

    • String Cheese
    • Mini Carrots
    • Assorted Fruit
    • Applesauce
    • Go-Gurts
    • Chips
    • Gold Fish
    • Milk
    • Juice
    • Lemonade
    • Water